20 Sure Shot ways to Win in Life -
- Wake Up Early
- Read Daily
- Plan Daily
- Sped Wisely
- Judge Less
- Fail Fast
- Build a Brand
- Invest Hard
- Love Yourself
- Be Yourself
- Eat Well
- Learn Skills
- Master Networking
- Be Ambitious
- Start Goal Setting
- Finance Tracking
- Save Money
- Learn Delegating
- Automating
- Be Kind
- Reading 20 pages per day is 30 books per year.
- Saving Rs.100 per day is Rs.36500 per year.
- Running 1 kilometer per day is 365 kilometer per year.
- becoming 1% better per day is 37X better per year.
Make a Million Mistakes!, but just quit wasting your energy making the same mistakes!. You have to make a decision that I will learn from this thing.
If you have any doubt, please let me know